Walks to Wellbeing with Audio Guidance
A series of 24 audio guides, led by Dr Anna Dako
Treat yourself to the audio-guided Walks to Wellbeing from anywhere in the world, at a time of your choosing and while visiting some of your favourite outdoor places and paths!
A one year long subscription with access to a specially designed Online Members' Area is now available for purchase, which will allow you to access a series of 24 audio guided walks in Sensuous Receptivity in eco-somatic experience​ of the self as taught by Dr Anna Dako.
These will be accessible via a new login to this exclusive online environment, which you will be given upon purchase.
Included in the subscription, you will also receive a free online (Zoom) session with Dr Anna Dako at the end of the series to consolidate your experience, ask specific questions and find out more about the following stages of the training in Felt Thinking.
​The audio guides are approximately 20-30 minutes in length. You may listen to them whilst on your walk in your local area, allowing yourself to be guided whilst you are on location. Alternatively, you can listen to the audio guide prior to your walk and follow the instruction in your own time once there.
You will be able to access and download each audio guide, allowing you the freedom and flexibility to access it multiple times as well. You may also choose to be guided by them again at a different location to support your ongoing wellbeing.
About the Walks To Wellbeing (Audio Guidance)
The Walks to Wellbeing (Audio Guidance) will introduce you to the three steps of experiential immersion as the creative methodology of Felt Thinking and how to keep discovering different entry points into ecological connectivity in movement and reflection.
Felt Thinking is a body-based way of working with movement in somatic experience of the Self. It is a deep self-inquiry journey which brings the lived connections between Nature and the Self to the fore and which offers new insights to how we are in the world and how to remedy multiple imbalances.
During the guided walks in ongoing Felt Thinking with Nature we will strive to bring all the living and wellbeing-enriching aspects of the natural environment to our awareness and ponder over their deeper meaning as experienced in movement. We will be learning how to give the experience its voice and how to build a creative dialogue with the landscape’s distinctive qualities and the environmentally inclusive ‘whole self’.
Key concepts explored during the audio guided walks include:
- Proprioceptive and interoceptive sensitivity and conscious movement
- Dialogical processes in relation to feeling, sensation, imagination, and functional movement
- Explorations into the inner landscape of the body through sensory awareness and meditative movement practice
- Skills of interoceptive and exteroceptive listening that support sensory homeostasis
- Being in the moment with reflexive voicing of the experience as a form of self-therapy
Please enjoy the taster to the experience of being guided on the outdoor Walks in Somatic Receptivity with these two first audio walks, which open the series of 24 walks.
The guidance is designed to be paused and assisted with your own explorations of the exercises offered, and so the suggested minimum time spent on the walk is about one hour.
Do enjoy, and do not forget to take your reflective journal with you on the walk!
Complete List of Walks:
Walk 1
Title: Sensual Listening and Connective Presence
Walk 2
Title: Movement Patterns, Perceptual Habits and Attitudes
Walk 3
Title: Complexities of Walking - Becoming Vertical (Part 1)
Walk 4
Title: Complexities of Walking - Becoming Vertical (part 2)
Walk 5
Title: Tuning into the Rhythms of the Earth
Walk 6
Title: On Experience of Air, Earth and Water within the Nervous System
Walk 7
Title: Into the Gut Body
Walk 8
Title: Living Relationships
Walk 9
Title: In Touch with the Self/World
Walk 10
Title: Somatic Receptivity in Listening
Walk 11
Title: Somatic Receptivity in Seeing and Being Seen
Walk 12
Title: On Being with Movement in Felt Thinking
Walk 13
Title: The Mineral Body in Rotation, Flexion and Extension
Walk 14
Title: Inhabiting Breath and Sound as Movement
Walk 15
Title: To Feel Think with the Living Ground
Walk 16
Title: Sensing into Changes in the Air
Walk 17
Title: Into the Sense of Muscle Agency (Part 1)
Walk 18
Title: Into the Sense of Muscle Agency (Part 2)
Walk 19
Title: Animal Other, Animal Self
Walk 20
Title: Processing and Digesting
Walk 21
Title: Into the Flow of Things
Walk 22
Title: The System of Fluid Transformation – the Endocrine
Walk 23
Title: On Wellbeing within the Kingdom of Plants
Walk 24
Title: Rounded in Receptivity and the Flow of the Experiential
£160 for the full season of 24 audio guides and a free one-to-one consultation session.
For seniors, £120 for the full season of 24 audio guides and a free one-to-one consultation session.
We are happy to let you know that a NEW monthly pricing plan for the audio guides subscription is now available.
NO STESS £28 instalment arrangement!
spread over 6 months (plus 1-time joining fee of £10 and free cancellation policy)!
Walks to Wellbeing (Audio Guidance) can be undertaken also as Phase One of the SME (Somatic Movement Education) in Felt Thinking Course. To find out more about the SME in Felt Thinking Course, follow the link below.
Walks to Wellbeing - Audio Guides
160£ÂValid for 12 monthsWalks to Wellbeing - Audio Guides (60+)
120£ÂValid for 12 monthsWalks to Wellbeing Audio Guidance (6x)
28£Every month+£10 Joining FeeValid for 6 months