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Workshops and Classes

at the heart of wellbeing are the regular activities that inspire the thoughts, nourish the body and empower the will to love life

in every season 


We aim to offer opportunities, events and experiences that support you 

the whole year round!

Dive into Dunami's  monthly or seasonal workshops to support the way you meet the world every single day!

Online Classes


We currently offer Body Scapes online! This is a monthly 1.5 hour-long workshop inspired by seasonal changes in nature, which takes place every third Thursday of the month. We look forward to seeing you there!


Audio Walks


 Best way to support your wellbeing is by walking! Walk to Wellbeing at your local nature paths, anywhere in the world, and sign up for Audio Walks guided by Dr Anna Dako. These are available to purchase via a one year-long subscription as a supported journey of self-therapy.

walks to wellbeing for organisations

Onsite Walks


Our Walks to Wellbeing are offered each year onsite in Aberdeen. Participants can join Dr Anna Dako for a guided 1.5 hour-long walk at Bennachie Visitor Centre during the spring season.

Educational Outreach Activities


At Dunami, we aim to promote and educate people on the benefits and versatile uses of ecosomatic practice. We offer a range of educational outreach activities (including workshops, seminars and lectures) on the subject. These can be tailored to individual educational settings and age of audience members.

Offers for Organisations


Dunami offers tailored Walks to Wellbeing sessions for organisations, delivered to teams of up to 12 people. These walks are designed to meet the specific needs and interests of individual groups and can be a fantastic offer within 'the wellbeing and green exercise scheme' of an individual organisation.

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Creative Wellbeing Workshops


The Spring Seedling is Dunami's collaborative workshop in dance, movement and somatics that connects the intercultural and environmental contexts of practice and is delivered by experienced practitioners who share their individual methodologies of work. Open to All! and let us know if you would like to host us!

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Onsite Workshops


Dunami offers workshops for a range of settings, including schools, universities and organisations. These can be tailored depending on the specific support needs and interests of individuals. Workshops offered focus on somatic movement practice and can be a brilliant offer for supporting the wellbeing of employees.

Walks to wellbeing

Screenings and Presentations


As part of the In The Open filmed projects, Dunami offers screenings and presentations about the work and its process. Screenings have previously taken place as part of dance festivals, symposiums and conferences at locations throughout the UK.

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Let's Connect!


We are always looking for new collaborations, ventures and opportunities to explore and engage with.


If you are interested in any of the services we offer and want to discuss them further or you have an idea for a collaboration you want to discuss, then we would love to hear from you!

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