World Animal Day 2022
Join us as we celebrate and mark World Animal Day on 4th October 2022!
Throughout the course of the day, we will be reflecting on the vast animal species which share the planet with us. From pets who share our living spaces, to animals who make our local nature reserves their home, to exotic animals on the other side of the planet, on October 4th, we will be pausing to reflect on them all.
The aim and mission of World Animal Day is simple:
“To raise the status of animals in order to improve welfare standards around the globe. Building the celebration of World Animal Day unites the animal welfare movement, mobilising it into a global force to make the world a better place for all animals. It's celebrated in different ways in every country, irrespective of nationality, religion, faith or political ideology. Through increased awareness and education we can create a world where animals are always recognised as sentient beings and full regard is always paid to their welfare.”
An Invitation…
We warmly invite you to join us in creative contemplation and reflection of the amazing animals which we are fortunate enough to share Earth with, as well as those which have sadly become extinct.
We invite you to share your experiences of and with animals, including your own pets, as well as encounters in the wild. We also encourage you to take a walk through your local neighbourhood or nature reserve and share your animal sightings, however big or small the animals may be! In particular, we welcome photos or video footage of animals, be they domestic or wild.
Why not spend some time outdoors, simply engaging in active listening for those animal sounds we may miss on an average day? Allow yourself to spend some time reflecting on all the different species which share your local area with you. In many reserves there are often information boards about the animals which live there. Why not dedicate your walk to spotting as many of these animals as you can?
You can also take this opportunity to engage in some reflective or creative writing, using the theme of World Animal Day as inspiration. Equally, we invite you to create an artwork or movement in response to this stimulus. Whatever your preferred or chosen method of creativity, expression and reflection – it is welcome! There is no limit on the type, style or form of art you may wish to create.
Above all, we simply hope that you make some time to pause and reflect on the diverse animal life which is sustained by our planet, including those living in our oceans and those above us in the sky.
We invite you to share your documentation by uploading any images, writing, photography or recordings that you make throughout the day. Thank you so much for sharing!
*Please note: By uploading your work you agree for your images/documents/videos/audios to be displayed by Dunami.
Please be sure to sign or add your name to the work itself, or if you prefer, you may leave your work anonymous.
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